Fresh! AiR Aug/Sept 2015 - Victoria Gibson, Vancouver BC

"what we once were, we are not now" 

Participants Wanted for several facets of the newest Artist in Residence project at the Caetani Centre!

Birders and Bird Lovers - Share a Tweet!  

Or share a story...

New Fresh! AiR artist Victoria Gibson is in search of existing footage of local or regional birds to be included in an existing video project, SHARE A TWEET.Donors of footage will be credited on her website and the works will be shown at the Allan Brooks Nature Centre, Thursday, August 27, at 7 pm.

Participants can support the project in three ways ~ Any level of participation is appreciated:

  1. Share a Tweet! Share some of your local or regional bird video footage with Victoria to be included in her Share a Tweet video. 
  2. Share your Vernon related story with Victoria. The story should reflect on local change and will be shared publicly as a part of an art work - you may wish to share photos to go along with the story.
  3. Participate in a community performance which will be the main event of Victoria’s residency.

If you would like to participate in any part of this project, with your stories or videos, or as part of the performance, please contact Victoria Gibson at or text 1-778-885-2123 (text only, no phone calls, please).

During her residency, August Fresh AIR artist, Victoria Gibson will be acting as a curator and facilitator—collecting stories and reflections from the people of Vernon. Her project, with the theme, "what we once were, we are not now" will contrast historical photos, legends, and spirit with the present Vernon community. Once complete, the project will be put on display online and through a media arts performance.

To find out more about the project, visit Victoria's website.

About the Artist

 Victoria Gibson is an Integrated Media Artist blending sound + light + motion to create amazing art experiences. Creating magic using advanced techniques to spark curiosity while encouraging audience engagement with lively subject matter and interactive elements. She makes complex and experimental works that emerge from the nexus of art and technology, but remain accessible and fun."Much of my work involves technology and the Fresh! AIR residency will give me an opportunity to integrate technology with the narratives present in the natural environment and the local community. I intend to build work using the stories of the area to present on the internet and in a community event to be held near the end of my residency.The theme, “what we once were, we are not now” can be applied to contrast historical, environmental, social or other aspects that will be discovered by my research into Vernon’s past with present day Vernon. The artwork will emerge as the result of applying the theme to my research, then deciding the best method to convey the multitude of aspects in an artistic presentation."

                                                                                 - Victoria Gibson

To find out more about Victoria Gibson Please visit her websiteAllan Brooks Nature CentreThanks to Aaron Deans & Janice Buick and the Allan Brooks Nature Centre for providing endless studio space and support for all our Fresh! AiR artists.

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Danielle Folkerts: Self Directed, August - September 2015


Splash of Red Artwork 2015