Exquisite Corpse: Peter Greendale, Self-Directed Artist

The Caetani Centre is pleased to welcome Peter Greendale, from Calgary, Alberta. Peter is here for a two-week residency at the Centre, during which he will be completing a series of minimalist drawings in the Heriot Studio.Peter at work in the Caetani Centre's Hariot StudioExhibition - Welcome Reception and Culture CrawlSaturday, August 13th, from 12 to 2 pmPeter will be presenting some of his artwork at a welcome reception for him and fellow artist-in-residence, Niharika Rajput, in the new Caetani Port Studio.  This event is part of the Vernon Culture Crawl.Refreshments will be provided.All are welcome!IMG_9339          FullSizeRender (4)Artist Statement

Drawing"Since my residency at the Banff Centre in 1984/85 my drawing has focused upon the depiction of the common, everyday object. Although I have a reverence for traditional drawing, in the formal aspects of my work I am also interested in going beyond the aesthetic to have these images serve to comment upon the culture from which they derive."

Photography"For as long as I can remember I have had an interest in photography and a desire to record what I find beautiful around me."

Exquisite Corpse"In July of 2009 I was a resident artst at the Gushul studio in Blairmore Alberta.  Although my main intent was to work on my large charcoal drawings I began to spend time exploring the area and taking photographs.  I became drawn to the abandoned spaces and rundown buildings in the area and some of these photographs were included in my exhibition titled "Paradise Lost" which was held at the Trianon Gallery in Lethbridge Alberta in late 2011 and early 2012."

"I have continued to build on this collection of photographs giving them the title the 'Exquisite Corpse.'"

New Work"My most recent photographic work has centered around what I've come to term "Photographic Collages."  They are not, however the result of a "cut and paste" exercise but are created "in camera" using the imposed rectangle of the photographic image as the structural framework of the composition.  As with traditonal collage technique where a new, original image is created out of bits of pre-existing objects and images, I seek to make new imagery out of a re-combining of "found" visual elements."

For more information about Peter and his work, you can check out his website by clicking here...

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Welcome reception for artists-in-residence Niharika Rajput and Peter Greendale


Vernon Culture Crawl