Creative Un-Blocking Workshop with Janelle Hardy October 2018

2 classesFriday morningOctober 12 & 1910am-12pm

Cost: $75

REGISTER ONLINE NOW FOR THE CREATIVE UNBLOCKING WORKSHOP[ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR event_id=4897]In this two-part workshop we’ll go over all of the ways we get in our own way creatively – perfectionism, procrastination, resistance, creative block, and I’ll give you creative and body-based tools to support moving out of those states and back into a place of joyful productivity.This is a two-part workshop so you’ll have time to practice the unblocking techniques, then return to refine them. Please come wearing comfortable clothes, a willingness to move and try new things, and something to write on.You’ll leave the workshop feeling refreshed, delighted and resourced to deal with the inevitable challenges that arise when working on creative projects.REGISTER ONLINE NOW FOR THE CREATIVE UNBLOCKING WORKSHOP

Click HERE to check out Janelle’s podcast
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Click HERE to find out more about Janelle
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