Advanced Memoir Writing April-May 2019

Advanced Memoir Writing
April 17th - May 22ndWednesday Evenings6:30pm – 9pm
with Janelle Hardy, creator and teacher of the Art of Personal Mythmaking, a 5-month transformational memoir-writing course.
About Advanced Memoir Writing
This is an intense practicum designed to create a safe community for discussion and feedback for memoir and creative non-fiction writers who want to actively write, polish their short stories and learn via peer critique.The class sizes are small - with a minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 participants.Each participant will have the opportunity to write, submit and receive feedback on three pieces of up to a 2,500 word length.Each participant will also choose one of these three pieces for a final revision and critique during the final week.This is a swift, intense and richly rewarding workshop.Each participant will also offer a critique of each other participant's three stories via googledoc during the week, so the in-person sessions will be filled with rich discussion.By the end of this workshop you'll have:
- written three short personal stories
- received friendly critiques with which to polish your stories
- chosen and revised one of the stories further, based on the critiques
Requirements for participation:
- Commitment to show up to each in-person class (2.5 hours per week)
- Willingness to upload your short personal story to googledocs
- Willingness to engage in critiques of each participant's story (approx 20-30 minutes per person) using googledocs
Course outline:
Session 1: introductions, structure of course, discussion of stories, writing and intentions
- in-between: writing, uploading, critiquing 1st stories
Session 2: in-person critiques and discussions of 1st stories
- in-between: writing, uploading, critiquing 2nd stories
Session 3: in-person critiques and discussions of 2nd stories
- in-between: writing, uploading, critiquing 3rd stories
Session 4: in-person critiques and discussions of 3rd stories
- in-between: choosing a story to revise, rest
Session 5: discussion of revision strategies, submissions + submission strategies for publications
- in-between: Revising chosen story, uploading, critiquing revisions
Session 6: in-person critiques and discussions of revisions, cake!
Register here: