Innate Worlds: an Exhibition, Opening Reception & Artist Talk
Featuring Artists-in-Residence Amy Sallenbach, Alberto Castillo & Sophie Boggs-Rolfe
Opening Reception: Friday, May 10th, 7pm-9pmGallery hours: Friday, May 10th, 7-9pm, Saturday May 11th, 11am-4pmIn the Caetani Cultural Centre Studio Gallery
Refreshments will be served. Reception and gallery hours are open to the public and all ages.
Amy Sallenbach is a multi disciplinary artist and pilot who has purposefully left the constraints of gravity behind, one way or another. Raised in Southern Alberta, she graduated with from the Alberta College of Art and Design in 2001, narrowly escaping attending her own final graduating jury critique by going in to labor immediately after installing it, thereby earning her the honorable distinction of 2nd best excuse to get out of your final crit (1st place went to contracting flesh eating disease in case you're wondering).She has exhibited throughout Western Canada and in private collections coast to coast.
Amy will also be teaching an Assemblage Box while at the Caetani Centre.
Learn more and sign up here.You can see more of Amy's work and learn more about her
Alberto Castillo is a Californian artist and illustrator who's been been enjoying the lilacs and magnolias at the Artist-in-Residence Suite here at the Caetani Centre, while making intricate illustrated worlds.You can see more of Alberto's work and learn more about him
Sophie Boggs-Rolfe is a British artist with exceptionally, astonishingly precise skills.You can see more of Sophie's work and learn more about her
Learn more about the Self-Directed Artist-in-Residence program