Thank You! - Splash of Red 2019

Splash of Red 2019 could not have gone any better. The weather turned out amazing for the evening, the food was delicious, and the company made the night that much better.With Splash of Red 2019 over for another year, we want to give a huge thank you to everyone that was involved in making this fundraiser possible.Firstly, we want to thank all of the volunteers who kindly volunteered their time with set up of the event, all of the decorations, take down after the event, and overall generosity of volunteering their time to wherever they could during the event.Second, we would like to give a huge thank you to the Splash of Red 2019 committee who put a lot of their time into organizing the fundraiser. Splash of Red 2019 would not have been made possible without the committees dedication and overall organization to everything that went into the event.A big thank you to the Splash of Red 2019 sponsors. This event would not have been made possible without your generous support:A huge thank you goes out to all of the artists who kindly donated their work to Splash of Red 2019. This event would not be what it has become without your generous donations. Whether you have donated for several years, or 2019 was your first Splash of Red, we hope that you had an amazing time and you support us again next year for Splash of Red 2020!Lastly, we want to thank everyone who attended the event. Whether you have attended Splash of Red before, or Splash of Red 2019 was your first time, we hope that you had an amazing time and we see you next year for Splash of Red 2020!

Lesia Design Inc.

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September 19th: Book Launch Featuring Susan Buis and Karen Hofmann


Sept 5th: I The People: A Screening and Artist Talk with Korean Artist-in-Residence Hyemin Park