Jan. 25th: Outline Your Memoir - a FREE workshop
Outline Your Memoira FREE workshopwith transformational memoir-writing instructor Janelle Hardy
In this 2 hour workshop you'll go from not knowing where to start and not knowing what parts of your life you want to write about, to having:
- a loose outline of your memoir
- insight into the themes you'd like to explore
- your life story timeline started
- enthusiasm!
This is a fun workshop with a twist!We'll be using your favourite ancient tale (such as a fairytale, myth, folktale, family lore, etc) to develop your outline.
Outline Your Memoir
- 2 hours
- Saturday January 25th
- 10am - 12pm
Janelle Hardy is the creator and teacher of an online transformational memoir-writing course called the Art of Personal Mythmaking.She combines life as a practicing writer and artist with her 13+ years of experience as a hands-on healing arts practitioner, taking a gentle, body-based and trauma-informed approach to working with life stories and creativity.To learn more and sign up for Janelle's introductory and intermediate memoir writing classes at the Caetani Centre, click here.