A Message From The Board And Staff Of The Caetani Centre Regarding COVID-19

Wondering about Events and Programs at the Caetani Centre?
The Caetani Centre takes the health, safety and well-being of our guests and patrons seriously, and we are monitoring the COVID-19 coronavirus situation closely. Effective Monday, March 23, 2020, we have suspended all of our public programs and events indefinitely, until further notice.
We are following the guidelines provided by the BC Ministry of Health, local health authorities, and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
We have had to make some difficult decisions about our operations. Until further notice, Caetani office hours will not be following our regular schedule.
In order to limit personal contact, we ask that you please use the contact form on the caetani.org website as the primary means of contact.
In the event of an emergency, please call the Caetani cell phone # 250-308-2735.
We will reassess our situation in early April, and following this, every two weeks, regarding how to move forward in a responsible manner.
In the meantime, we will try to be as available as possible to answer any concerns, and we will be monitoring both our emails and social media sites.
The following events have been cancelled and/or postponed:
- Suessical Youth Spring Break Theatre Camp – Cancelled (full refund issued)
- The Forks Music Concert (April) – Cancelled/postponed (hopefully to be held at a later date!)
- Ongoing youth and adult drama programming has been put on hold until Thursday April 16 and Monday April 20, when we will also reassess the situation. The instructors will update all participants as necessary.
- Room bookings and meetings will only continue at the discretion of the groups involved, however we do urge all groups to follow the prescribed guidelines and maintain social distancing. If you are a member of a group that meets here, please contact the group directly.
We hope to take some of our events online if possible – If we can make it happen we will certainly try.
Please stay tuned for the possible online exhibition and hopefully an interview with current CeramAIR artist Ela Mukherjee, hosted in conjunction with our partners at the Vernon Arts Centre!
We remind you to please support our local businesses and community organizations as much as possible, within reason.
We have been very grateful for the support and commitment from these many businesses for the Caetani Centre over the years. Business as usual is simply not currently possible.
These are very trying times for everyone, and event and program based cultural organizations in particular.
We appreciate your patience and support over the next few weeks and beyond, as we all endeavour to navigate these unknown waters as they evolve, and to overcome these challenges.
YOU are our highest priority.
The North Okanagan shares strong community values, and we will emerge energized on the other side of this, and ready for new cultural events and programs!
Stay safe and healthy!