Canadian Paranormal Foundation Presentation Oct. 29

New Event: Canadian Paranormal Foundation presents Paranormal Investigation at the Caetani House Oct. 29 at 3 p.m.

The Canadian Paranormal Foundation (CPF) returns to the Caetani Centre to reveal their methodology of Paranormal Investigating, including evidence captured from various heritage sites in BC and the Caetani House.

Hosted by Peter Renn and Jason Hewlett, co-founders of the Canadian Paranormal Foundation, this special presentation will reveal some of the unexplainable things the CPF team uncovered when investigating the 125-plus-year-old Caetani mansion earlier this year.

Did they really record a voice telling them to leave upstairs? You be the judge.
The presentation will take place Saturday Oct. 29 at 3 p.m. in the Caetani Gallery. Tickets are $25.00 Per Person (for ages 16 and up only), available at the Ticket Seller or call 250-549-SHOW (7469). All proceeds from this event will go towards the maintenance and  upkeep of the Caetani Centre and its facilities and programs.

The Caetani Centre follows all current COVID-19 guidelines and protocols. We are a MASK FRIENDLY organization. Please respect the choice of our patrons. As of April 8, 2022, the Province of BC, will not require proof of vaccination for entry into museums, galleries, and heritage sites

Be Air Aware! We are a scent free building. Scented products can aggravate health problems for some people, especially those with asthma, allergies and other medical conditions. Please do not wear scented items. Thank you for your understanding.

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Franz Seachel, October Artist-in-Residence


Joanne Salé, September Artist-in-Residence